jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Campa~a !!!

Hola chik@s!!! Mire lo que me encontre en mi buzon de mensajes:
A lot of your have probably heard about the big strike on July 1st. If you haven't, it is a protest where no one will not log in to Stardoll for 24 hours on July 1st, to rebel again stardoll raising prices and making everything superstar-only. It isn't fair. You know this, whether you are a superstar or a nonsuperstar and its not right. stand up. Make your voice be heard. Just make one small sacrifice on July 1st, please. Just don't log in.Broadcast this. Write in your blogs, advertise in your club. We are going on strike to get our rights back. I'm not saying that every single item has to be avaible to nonsuperstars, just not EVERYTHING has to be for superstars. Stardoll is a business who wants to make money also. I'm just saying, TOO many things are for superstars only, and its getting ridi****us. LET THIS BE HEARD AROUND STARDOLL!!...TO MAKE IT NO MORE!Send This Too ALL of your friends and become heard.
Bueno, lo que yo entiendo sobre esto en resumen es:
Se esta haciendo una campana o huelga como le quieran llamar por la razon de que algun@s soci@s de stardoll quieren mas cosas no-superstars ( para no super estrellas ) y por eso le piden a tod@s las soci@s que no entren a stardoll todo el dia (1 de junio) , claro es la opcion de cada uno por mi parte a mi me encanta ayudar a tod@s por igual y pues nada mas es de no entrar todo el dia pero el problema es que no sabia hasta hoy asi que tendran que disculparme!!! Y tambien dice que los puedes ayudar haciendo publicidad claro con el fin de que muchos o mas de la mayoria sepa sobre esto!!!
Bueno, esto a sido todo por el momento!!!

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